Translation for Fuyu Hanabi / 冬花火

Fuyu Hanabi / 冬花火 : “winter fireworks”

fuyu / 冬
hanabi / 花火
“fireworks” (lit. flower-like fire)

hana / 花
hi / 火
“fire”. Pronounced bi / び because of rendaku.

Edward recently posted his translation of Fuyu Hanabi. While a good one, he did also link to one by Misa-chan. I’ve decided to give priority to translations from the original Japanese and that’s what I updated the post with, but they’re both worth a read.

To comment on the lyrics, they are indeed about a girl and her unrequited love being likened to winter fireworks, as I posted way back when we were still waiting for the single to be released. She likes a guy who likes another girl, one of her friends. The singer and the guy are presumably close friends because he confides in her about his feelings for her friend. I feel for her, and Oku Hanako does a great job at expressing those feelings in the song.

Unrequited love isn’t a new theme that’s explored in Oku Hanako’s songs. One that immediately comes to mind is Kataomoi / 片思い (“unrequited love”), one of her indies songs. However, Kataomoi takes a different attitude towards it because, as much as she wants to be together with the one she likes, the singer is more okay with being just friends.

Thanks again to Edward and Misa-chan for doing these translations!

Lyrics →

Translation for HIKARI

HIKARI: romanization of 光, meaning “light”

Reader Edward has graciously donated a translation for HIKARI, my favourite song on Kimi to Boku no Michi / 君と僕の道, based on the Chinese translation that came with his copy of the album. Although it’s a translation of a translation, it still seems true to the original song, from what I can pick out. It really brings out the beauty in the song.

Edward comments:

As luck would have it, I recently bought my first Oku Hanako albums and they were the ones for distribution in Taiwan. As such they came with extra booklets with lyrics in Traditional Chinese. I was taught in Simplified Chinese in primary school so I changed the script to Simplified Chinese and translated that to English. I have not used my Chinese regularly for several years now so translating took quite a bit of time and effort.

He has also been inspired to translate the other songs for which he has a Chinese translation for, and has set up a blog for it. Given the nature of the blog, I’ll likely shamelessly reblog everything.

Thanks, Edward, and good luck with the rest of the translations!



If I could convey my innermost thoughts to you
I would want to convey them much, much more expressively than saying thank you

In days that frustrate me, in days that I want to give up
You always believe I am fine
And that I can work harder. Encouraging me in this way
It is always you

Thank you, it is only because of you that I am able to continue on the path I chose
That always unchanging smile has helped me through hardship several times
I have many thanks for it

The first dream I imagined is being shared between us
My irreplaceable friend is closer to me

Laughing together and having cried together
Being like this does not need talking
Even if far apart I still hope these voices can reach each other. This is what I always think

Thank you for your light that always shines on me
I can be stronger at any time. Thank you for your warm light

Tears turn to smiles in the changing seasons
I hope I can also be a light for someone

I am thankful that our paths crossed. Now I really am happy
I have many thanks for that always unchanging smile

Thank you with all my heart

Translation by Edward

Translation for BIRTHDAY

I have a translation for Birthday! I asked my friend Shiori (she’s from Japan!) if she was willing to do some translations. She said she would like to help but will probably be too busy to be the site’s regular translator, but she did translate Birthday, my latest post at the time.

Below is Shiori’s translation, with some of my edits. Thanks, Shiori!

Translation →